Ethereum Co-Founder Joe Lubin: Time Man of the Century? Blockchain Brainiac

February 28, 2018

Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin (who also operates investment firm ConsenSys) is a blockchain brainiac and crypto industry pioneer who, as many will argue is to the blockchain world what Bill Gates and Larry Ellison were to the software world, Larry Page and Sergey Brin have been to the world of internet search,  Steve Jobs was to the mobile device world and Mark Zuckerberg is to his role revolutionizing social media. OK, let’s include Twitter co-founder and Square founder Jack Dorsey, then sprinkle on top Elon Musk (who might become Time Magazine’s Man of the Century), and  Lubin sits comfortably at the 21st Century Round Table of Disruptive Entrepreneurs.

Joe Lubin

Among the diehard cool kid crypto enthusiasts, Lubin is currently viewed as a cryptocurrency legend and is someone who subscribes to the alt currency world of anonymity and anti-establishment. They are wrong. Lubin is the big blockchain kahuna who has a clear and prescient vision regarding “the internet of things” and what the next global technology infrastructure will be powered by. Per interview below, Lubin has become the go-to guru who is sought out by leaders of companies across every industry and governments in every part of the world.

Lubin didn’t ‘invent the internet’ (and we don’t believe Al Gore did!), but he’s proven to be one of the most insightful individuals who can seamlessly describe the where, how and why blockchain’s distributed ledger architecture can (and will) transform nearly every process that requires trusted interaction.

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Many who are fluent in the topic of blockchain, distributed ledger and ‘dapps’ are not necessarily rocket scientists whose unique DNA enables them to conceptualize and code software applications that disrupt existing processes. Dapp-land is populated by thousands of folks whose vision is three-dimensional–making them ideal ‘programmers’ who can transform the notion of a multi-dimensional process into a software application that delivers nearly everything that the ‘process participants’ need to be more effective, more informed and more efficient. The take-away is that blockchain will unchain humans from laborious tasks and enable many to become something greater than just ‘cogs in the wheel.’ Yes, an enormous number of menial jobs will be deleted, but human capital is malleable, meaning people can be re-purposed into more productive contributors. Its about blockchain, blockhead! Not bitcoin.


Ethereum Co-Founder Joe Lubin: Time Man of the Century? Blockchain Brainiac